New Coordinators and Foster Buddies

How very excited the Board is at STLPR to announce we have several new members of our team:

Allison H. has agreed to fulfill the newly created Foster Coordinator role. This role will coordinate the review of foster applications, home checks, and welcoming them to the group. The Board discussed a new welcome process for new fosters, and Allison has some great ideas for this and supporting the reference check and home check process. The email for the Foster Coordinator is

Taylor K. has accepted the position of Volunteer Coordinator. This role will recruit and respond to people who submit the volunteer form on our website and direct them to the appropriate opportunity, or person. This is greatly important as we are always short on volunteers for events. Taylor and I will be meeting soon so brainstorm about some of the pieces we can do! The email for the Volunteer Coordinator is

Debbie B has accepted the position of Fundraiser Coordinator. This role will help many animals by searching for ways to raise needed funds that will allow us to continue caring for many unwanted and abandoned animals. Some of the animals