Do you need foster families?

Absolutely! We are always looking for great families to foster our pets during their stay with us. The foster family is responsible for providing a loving, caring home environment, exercising the pet and, if a dog, providing guidance on proper house manners (housetraining, sit, down, not jumping on people, and not snatching food off the table!).

How long will we have the pet?
Unfortunately, that is unknown.  Some pets are adopted within days, others it takes months.

What if we fall in love with our foster pet?
Foster families are always given the first option to adopt when their pet is available for adoption; however, we would love to keep you as a foster!

What if I cannot foster any longer?
STLPR asks that you provide us with as much notice as possible so we may find another foster family to care for the pet.

If you are interested in fostering, please fill out the application below.